It's winter, and we wish we were in the Maldives. This short teaser made by our friends/idols of Sol Café Ferrel and Pedro Scansetti hints at an exciting collaboration coming up soon.
In October, in partnership with @sol.ferrel, we’ll be heading to the Maldives on an alternative boat trip, to surf perfect waves with longboards, kneeboards, mats, hand planes, twins or whatever you want: the important thing is to have fun!
There will be very few spots available and the only thing we want is to drink lots of good coffee on a boat with people who love sol, nature and gliding over the warm waves. This little piece of audiovisual beauty was made by our friend and magical surfer @pedroscansetti. He's an incredible artist and he will be with us on the trip, taking photos, videos and having fun in the water with us.
Here's your chance to join this amazing trip: click here.